Our values

Our work is conducted with rigor both on the scientific and technical levels, associated with an open mind and the refusal of any dogmatism.

We also want all our work, reflections and exchanges to be carried out with kindness, humility and conviviality.

Our association is constituted around the following principles:

  • The global objective formulated in the Paris Agreement, in particular that of staying below +2°C since the beginning of the industrial era, is considered a priority. Coupled with the constraint of the finiteness of natural resources, in particular fossil resources, it defines the framework in which we can act, imagine the society, the uses and the economic developments of tomorrow. The main source for the description of the stakes, risks, scientific assessments and methodology for studying climate change comes from the various IPCC reports and the state of the scientific art.
  • As things stand, consumption patterns and growth forecasts, particularly in so-called developed or developing societies, are not compatible with this objective. It is therefore necessary and urgent to enter into an in-depth transition of our societies and our economies, as well as to prepare them to adapt to the economic and social impacts that will be caused by climate change and all the other planetary limits.
  • This transition will be difficult because it induces changes in usage and values and questions our principles of life and priorities as human beings. But it also presents an opportunity to reinvent our ways of functioning and our relationship to the world.
  • The association encourages technological innovation when it serves this priority objective and when all the externalities, particularly social and ecological, assessed over the entire life cycle, are taken into account and accepted.
  • Most of the members are passionate about aviation and/or space, and all have a particular link with this sector (education, publications, professional activity, personal practice...). They consider that the aerospace sector has played and will play an important role in the evolution of human society on a planetary scale. Our aim is to bring out the truth about its impact on climate change and its potential for decarbonization through technology, to anticipate the risks it faces in this context, and to consider its place and uses in a world under severe resource and GHG emission constraints. They consider that this discourse of truth is the best way to support it in the context of climate change and the finitude of resources.
  • The word and the works of the association Aero Decarbo are independent of any other institution, teaching establishment, industry, interest group, association, trade union, political party or religious current.