Our commitment

The aerospace sector holds a special place, both in the hearts and in the landscape of the energy transition. Cutting-edge industries, driven by dreams and achievements, with negligible climate impact, contributing to the exploration of the world and the progress of scientific knowledge for its advocates, but costly, and super-luxurious activity as a whim of the ultra-rich who are adept at minimizing their emissions from the perspective of their critics.

AÉRO DÉCARBO supports the idea that beyond these often caricatured positions presented to the public, another voice deserves to be heard.

We, who love aviation, space, and for many, have made it our profession, who appreciate technology, great discoveries, all this prodigious human intelligence mobilized to make machines fly towards ever more distant horizons, assert that we love life, nature, and science even more — this science which describes aerodynamic as rigorously as climatic phenomena, from which we cannot both enjoy the benefits and ignore the disruptions it projects.

We, aerospace engineers, pilots, air traffic controllers, airline employees, users, or simple lovers of aerospace, express the ambition to create the conditions for a peaceful debate on the sector's ability to control its greenhouse gas emissions, survive, and thrive in a world with finite resources and in proportions compatible with a livable world in 2100. We, climate-concerned & aerospace enthusiasts, claim to be able to be part of the solution rather than the problem, by advocating for a transparent, disinterested, and scientifically supported discourse on what the aerospace sector can - and cannot - do to decarbonize.