Our expertise

Aero Decarbo is an association of volunteers, aeronautics and space professionals and/or enthusiasts, who lead a continuous reflection on the stakes of these sectors in the context of the climate change, the depletion of fossil resources and the planetary limits in general. This reflection is fed by their own knowledge and expertise, by active reading of scientific, sectoral or public policy publications, by participation in conferences and debates, and by modeling, formalization and prospective work carried out by the association. The report Flying in 2050 illustrates the mindset and the type of work that the association is able to produce.

This subject is both complex, dense, and highly emotional. Approaching it alone by reading a 250-page report which, while it does not necessarily require an engineer or researcher in aeronautics, remains largely more accessible with a minimal scientific and sectoral base, can be discouraging and therefore does not trigger sufficient awareness or a move to action.

We have therefore set up a series of conferences, mini-conferences and workshops, which are aimed at professionals in the sector but also at companies, associations, universities, administrations or even the general public. This allows us to approach the problem by themes, by encouraging exchange, interactivity and questioning, in a smaller group and therefore, more human.

Flying a few hours together to see the problem from a little higher up, that is what we propose through these meetings.

Here is an example of the interventions we propose:

Conferences / Mini-conferences :

  • General presentation of the report Flying in 2050
  • Energy and climate issues
  • Climate impacts of digital technology
  • Digital applications of space
  • Climate impact of space
  • Trends in space and levers for action
  • The carbon budget: a reality of climate physics for a controlled decarbonization trajectory
  • Impacts of aviation on climate change and decarbonization trajectories


  • The climate fresk
  • The aviation fresk
  • Energy and climate issues: Understanding what is at stake and taking action
  • Air transport in the face of climate change: understanding the orders of magnitude, the contribution of technology and thinking about uses

If you have an idea for a theme or a particular format for your group, do not hesitate to let us know, we will be very happy to discuss it with you!