In the media

You will find here opinion pieces, interviews, debates, and other statements published in the media, another way to become acquainted with the subject and understand the stance of AÉRO DÉCARBO.

Le Monde Opinion piece - Aviation Must Anticipate Traffic Moderation, Rather Than Duffering It Tomorrow (Matthieu Auzanneau (The Shift Project), Aurélien Bigo (Researcher on Transport Energy Transition, Energy and Prosperity Chair), Jérôme du Boucher (Transport & Environment), Grégoire Carpentier (AÉRO DÉCARBO), Olivier Del Bucchia (AÉRO DÉCARBO), Jérôme Fontane (Research Professor at the University of Toulouse), Nicolas Gourdain (Research Professor at the University of Toulouse), Béatrice Jarrige (The Shift project), March 10th, 2024)
Following the verdict announcement of the trial of Greenpeace activists who repainted an airplane green, we have come together to write this opinion piece calling on the aviation sector to seriously consider trajectories of reduced growth, primarily in its own interest. We assert that energy efficiency, the use of decarbonized energy, and frugality must complement each other, rather than oppose, in the dual objective of reducing emissions and building sector resilience in the face of climate change and dwindling fossil resources. Read the opinion piece (french)
20 minutes Article - Are We Playing with Fire in the Stratosphere? (20 minutes, Loïs Miraux (AÉRO DÉCARBO), September 27th, 2023)
In this article, 20 minutes interviewed us about the impact of human activities in the upper atmosphere. It's worth noting an ambiguous sentence suggesting that we align with the general discourse on the "Green Plane".

20 minutes pitch: THE SORCERER'S APPRENTICE - We're at the edge of the atmosphere, just before space... But, even at this altitude, the stratosphere is not immune to human activities. Some even believe that's where they can win the battle against climate change. At what cost? Read the article (french)
Le Monde Opinion Piece - Climate Impact of Aviation: "Technology is Only Part of the Answer" (Olivier Del Bucchia (AÉRO DÉCARBO), Grégoire Carpentier (AÉRO DÉCARBO), July 14th, 2023)
At the occasion of the 2023 Paris Air Show, Le Monde published a series of opinion pieces on the topic of aviation. Here, we emphasize the importance of considering cumulative emissions in assessing the impact of aviation (as for any other sector) and its immediate consequence: emission reduction cannot wait until 2050; it must start as soon as possible to be more socially and economically acceptable while remaining within a carbon budget compatible with the Paris Agreement. Frugality in usage and technological progress are two levers that, rather than opposing each other, contribute to achieving the same goal. Read the opinion piece (french)
Arrêt sur images Webcast - AVIATION: "The goal is not to decarbonize, it's to grow" (Nassira El Moaddem (Arrêt sur images), Isabelle Laplace (ENAC), Eva Morel (QuotatClimat), Olivier Del Bucchia (AÉRO DÉCARBO), June 23rd, 2023)
A program on the media coverage of aviation and its impact, on the occasion of the 2023 Paris Air Show and government announcements. The title of the program is a quote that does not come from AÉRO DÉCARBO.

Arrêt sur images pitch: Politicians and aerospace companies promise: for sure, airplanes will be completely green and decarbonized within 25 years! The commitment is inspiring, repeatedly echoed in the media on the occasion of the reopening of the Paris Air Show. We would love to be able to travel to the other side of the world without feeling guilty about the thousands of liters of kerosene dumped. But rarely do decision-makers in the aviation sector and political leaders explain in detail how they plan to achieve this goal. Wasn't it Guillaume Faury himself, CEO of Airbus, who recently asserted on France Inter's morning show: "We will succeed in decarbonizing aviation, it's obvious!" The media enthusiasm surrounding aviation technological innovations deserves a closer look. What are these innovations worth in practice? What realities lie behind the talking points of a sector that is defending its credibility? And what about air traffic flows, which are rarely questioned? To answer these questions, three guests: Olivier Del Bucchia, aerospace engineer, co-founder of the Aero Decarbo association advocating for the ecological transition of the aerospace sector; Isabelle Laplace, Ph.D. in economics specializing in aerospace at the National School of Civil Aviation; and Éva Morel, member of the Quota Climat collective working for a better media treatment of ecological issues See the webcast (french)
Brut Report - Greener airplanes, is it really coming soon? (Brut. nature & Jeanne Bosc Bierne (AÉRO DÉCARBO), June 22nd, 2023)
At the occasion of the 2023 Paris Air Show, Brut. Nature reached out to us to shed light on the various technological avenues leading to the emergence of a 'green aircraft'.

Brut. pitch: 'Ultra-low-emission aircraft', 'green aircraft', 'hydrogen-powered aircraft' or 'cooking oil-powered aircraft'... We hear more and more about aircraft being touted as more environmentally friendly, and it can quickly become difficult to keep up. Concretely, where do these alternative aircraft stand? And are they sufficient to address the climate emergency? We wanted to gain clarity on this by interviewing Jeanne Bosc Bierne, contributor to the 'Flying in 2050' report. See the report (french)
Libération Article - Paris Air Show and Ecology: Taking the Plane, the Guilty Desire (Franck Bouaziz (Libération), Loïc Bonnifacio (AÉRO DÉCARBO), Olivier Del Bucchia (AÉRO DÉCARBO), June 18th, 2023)
At the occasion of the 2023 Paris Air Show, Libération also raised the question of coherence between growth trajectories and decarbonization, with an initial inquiry into the guilt of flying.

Beginning of the article: The guilt of flying grows as air traffic increases. Under scrutiny at the Paris Air Show opening this Monday, June 19th, decarbonization solutions are under consideration, but they prove to be insufficient... Read the article (french)
France Info Interview - Paris Air Show: the first edition since Covid navigates between resuming orders and promises of moderation (Grégoire Lecalot (France Info), Olivier Del Bucchia (AÉRO DÉCARBO), June 17th, 2023)
France Info aims to address the issue of traffic recovery post-COVID versus moderation, of course, within the context of the 2023 Bourget Air Show.

France Info pitch: It's time for the aerospace industry to bounce back. The first Bourget Air Show since Covid opens its doors on Monday, June 19th. This edition will be marked by the restart of the aviation sector, but also by concern over the climate challenge. Listen to the interview (french)
Green Letter Club Podcast - AVIATION: Will we still be able to fly in 2050? (Grégoire Carpentier (AÉRO DÉCARBO), April 28th, 2022)
Pitch Green Letter Club: Kerosene combustion or condensation trails: aviation contributes to global warming while benefiting only a privileged few. Hence the question: will we still be able to fly in 2050? To answer this, we welcome Grégoire Carpentier, aerospace engineer, co-founder of Supaero Decarbo, a collective aiming to decarbonize the aviation sector, and who recently published a report on the subject with the Shift Project. Listen to the podcast (french)