Open letters

Here is a list of our public positions.

  • Open letter to the attention of the French government (SUPAERO DECARBO, June 19, 2020 - Available in French only)
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    Following the presentation of the SUPPORT PLAN FOR AERONAUTICS for a green and competitive industry by the French government on June 9, 2020, the SUPAERO DECARBO collective published this open letter and sent it by postal mail to the Minister of Ecological and Solidary Transition, Minister of the Armed Forces, Secretary of State to the Minister of the Economy and Finance, Minister of the Economy and Finance, and Secretary of State for Transport. The Minister of the Armed Forces responded on February 2, 2021. As far as we know, there has been no further response, reaction nor direct consequence following this letter. Read the letter
  • « ZEROe » and the world of tomorrow (SUPAERO DECARBO, 24 Septembre 2020 - Available in French only)
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    After Airbus unveiled the preliminary project ZEROe in the press, with the goal of delivering a hydrogen-based mid-range aircraft with 100 to 200 seats by 2035, the SUPAERO DECARBO collective published this open letter. While acknowledging the technological excitement and promising decarbonization prospects of this project, the letter also discusses its risks and limitations, and questions the integration of such a project into an overall trajectory for the transformation of the aviation sector. In a context of energy contraction and climate change, the letter suggests that the focus should not only be on transforming aircrafts but on reshaping the entire aviation industry to serve a world and economy undergoing profound transformation as well.

    Note (December 2023) This letter was published in September 2020. Since then, the preliminary project has naturally evolved, and certain technological assumptions have been precised. As of now, the two competing projects for 2035 are as follows: - A Turbofan (jet aircraft) with a capacity of 200 seats and a range of 2000 nm (~3700 km)
    - A Turboprop (propeller-driven aircraft) with a capacity of 100 seats and a range of 1000 nm (~1900 km)
    On these two projects, it would not be necessary to install a hydrogen refrigeration system, simplifying the issue, reducing the aircraft's weight (and thus improving its energy efficiency). The choice between these two options should be made in 2025. Note: the scenarios in the Flying in 2050 report assume that the hydrogen aircraft in 2035 would have a range of 6000 km, thus being capable of covering all Medium-Haul routes. This assumption is more ambitious than current industrial projections, increasing the risk level of achieving these scenarios and, consequently, emission levels at equivalent traffic. Read the letter