
Welcome to the Aero Decarbo association website !

Cover of the report Flying in 2050 and link to the report

Discover our report on the decarbonization of the aviation sector :

How can we act today to keep flying tomorrow, in a constrained world?

How can we steer the aviation sector towards trajectories that are compatible with climate issues and less dependent on fossil fuel resources?

Energy, climate: Lean networks for resilient connected uses

What impacts are associated with telecom network deployment choices?

What strategies can make network infrastructures resilient to the dual carbon constraint?

Discover the new report from the Shift Project, in partnership with AERO DECARBO

Pour un réveil écologique : Report on the space sector

Pour un Réveil Écologique examines the environmental impacts of the space sector through this report published in January 2024

What are the activities and specifics of the space sector?

What are the impacts on climate and the ozone layer and what are the action plans?

Discover the new sectoral report from Pour un Réveil Écologique, in partnership with AERO DECARBO.

Join the association*

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 Image de Béluga sur lequel il est peint 'Join us' et lien vers la page 'Nous rejoindre'
Score du site decarbo.org

Everything about the carbon footprint of this site

The carbon footprint of Decarbo.org is rated B on the Website Carbon Calculator.
If you believe you can help us improve even further in this regard, feel free to contact us at (contact@decarbo.org).
Click here to see the details of our evaluation and learn more about the methodology used.